We often get requests from customers looking to share their Internet connection between their home, shed, granny flat, or some other type of structure located only hundreds of meters away.
We also hear stories about how they have tried to extend their WiFi using extenders and other WiFi devices to solve their connectivity problems. However, they only sometimes work well, with dropouts and slow performance being common complaints.
Depending on the technical and budgetary constraints, you have two choices; One is running an Ethernet-based cable from your home to the shed. If there is a pre-installed conduit, the job is relatively easy, and this would be our recommendation. But there is a catch! There is a limit to the distance Ethernet can operate. Most cable runs can be at most 100m in length, and anything further is unlikely to work well.
However, the alternative is to create a WiFi Bridge.
A WiFi Bridge is perfect for customers who are limited in budget and want good value for money. A transmitter mounted on your home, and another on the shed will allow you to create a fast connection between the two. As long as there is a line of sight (LOS) between you, these devices can traverse large distances, with links of 10kms very common.Â
The WiFi is then distributed on the remote side by an access point, giving you as quick a connection as found at your home. Most low-end equipment can create a WiFI bridge of 300Mbps both ways, making it faster than most Internet connections available to NBN customers. Surprisingly, creating a quality WiFi bridge is inexpensive, starting at $499 for the equipment.
If these are unlikely options, the alternative is satellite or cellular 4G/5G technology. SpaceX, an American-based company, is creating sophisticated Internet-based technology using geo-synchronised orbital satellites that beam the Internet to your transmitting/receiving device. Early adopters will find these two different technologies relatively expensive.Â
Suppose you think a WiFi bridge is the best solution or need help with other network-related issues, and you need our help, then why not talk to us today? Depending on your area, we can ship pre-configured WiFi equipment and have it installed for you.
Call us on or fill out the contact form as found below. You will be streaming Netflix in your Man (or Lady) shed in no time!